Reconcile With Your Life
Release From Your Trauma
Live the Best Version of Yourself
Find Joy and Peace Daily
Embark on a transformative journey to mental clarity with our 5-day brain training program, specifically designed to optimize cognitive function and declutter the mind from decades of accumulated cognitive clutter. Through targeted neurofeedback sessions, you'll engage in a series of personalized exercises that enhance brainwave patterns, promote improved focus, and heightened cognitive function. This intensive program aims to cleanse the mind, offering a unique opportunity to break free from the cognitive fog that may have built up over the past 30 years.
Mind Labs
Life Enhancement
System Reset
Previous Clients Have
Higher IQ + EQ
Improved Relationships
Emotionally Stability
Better Decision Making Skills
Increased Clarity and Creativity
More resilience
Increased Revenue
Reverse Brain Aging
What if we told you
this program may ...

Boost your IQ by 11.7 Points
Increase your creativity by 50%
Reduce PTSD Scores by 40%
Improve control over your emotions by 80%
Improve your quality of life by 45%

The Mind Labs Program involves a three-part process:
About the Five Days

First, you will get a Brain Map, where we check in under the hood, looking inside your brain with QEEG technology to understand what makes you unique. This brain map will showcase opportunities for specific areas of improvement
Brain Map
Second, we use CAP trainings – targeted and customized neurofeedback to optimize your brain and enhance your strengthswhile mitigating weaknesses.
CAP Training

Next, we have GAP training, where you will clear out issues, beliefs, and traumas that no longer serve you, and you will be laying down the tracks to a new more vibrant you.
GAP Training

" By day 5, you'll emerge as the 2.0 version of yourself."
What's Included
1 QEEG Brain Scan
5 Days of Concentrated Brain Training
5 Sessions of CAP Training to Improve Executive Function
Tailored Discussions with Facilitator
Lunch + Dinner Each Day
Supplements to Support your Brain and Enhance Training
Week pass to Use All Equipment at the Biohack Lab FLL
Not Included //
Flights, accommodations, & daily breakfast

Bec Sato
Alice Miller’s facilitating is top notch. She has been one of the most transformational mentor’s of my life. Her wisdom and insights still echo in my mind when I need a lift. There aren’t adequate words to share how gifted and genuine she is in guiding others into deeper and greater clarity. My time with her was the most transformational of my life. If you get a chance to work with Alice, don’t hesitate. You’ll be glad you did.
Client Testimonials
Samie Al-Achrafi
When we work (play!) with consciousness, we are called upon to be intentional about who to be our guide and hold space. Alice is a masterful facilitator - she melds the latest science with ancient wisdom and, rather than settling for ‘psychological comfort’, she offers ‘psychological safety’ in service of seeking higher vibrations. My explorations into brainwaves with Alice proved to be the catalyst for transforming my business, writing international bestselling books…and ultimately, living a more joyful and fulfilled existence.
Mike Hoban
I met Alice roughly 9 years ago. During that time I was living a life that impeded who I was physically, socially and professionally. 5 days with Alice changed that completely. She was able to show me that I was my own limiting factor, and I had no need to think and live that way any longer.